Christmas or Thanksgiving?

People gather around to celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving all around the United States. We all know of these popular holidays, but which one is the best holiday? In my opinion, Christmas will always get the winning prize. Schools let out for two weeks during Christmas instead of one like at Thanksgiving. Having one additional week of no school allows an excellent break for students to mentally prepare themselves for the next semester. Two weeks off of school will enable students to spend more time with their families. Families can travel greater distances to visit relatives and not have to worry as much about getting back in time as they would with only one week.

Christmas is also better than Thanksgiving because of all the traditions that happen. What other holiday has its own music to go along with it? Music that people start listening to as early as October? At Christmas, there’s just a different type of feeling and excitement in the air that only comes from the special holiday. No other holiday gets people as worked up as Christmas does. In addition, there are always so many decorations. You could drive down almost any street and be overjoyed with beautiful shining lights and decorations on lawns. Another tradition most families have is watching Christmas movies. Personally, I love watching Christmas movies, it’s one of the best parts of Christmas. Thanksgiving doesn’t have nearly as many movies as Christmas does, and if there are so many movies about one holiday, it must be a pretty great one, right?

Not only are the traditions at Christmas so unique, but the actual events are enjoyable as well. First of all, nothing can beat the feeling of waking up on Christmas morning and tearing open presents with your family. There’s also the food. I know that Thanksgiving is pretty much all about food, but you can’t tell me that Thanksgiving food is better than Christmas food. There’s just something about Christmas Eve dinner that is so special and irreplaceable. Overall, both Thanksgiving and Christmas are great holidays, but if I had to choose the best one, Christmas would come out on top.

Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving and where to go for the best  experience?

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